Registration of foreign marriage in Colombia when couple got married in USA or other country.

Esteban Rada

Colombian attorney


telephone 57-311-7693976

As an attorney with 17 years of experience, one of the most common consultations I receive is if it is important to register in Colombia, a marriage that was celebrated in other country between a non-Colombian citizen and a Colombian citizen. It is common called a registration of foreign marriage in Colombia.

The answer is YES. The reason is that this procedure prevents to the Colombian citizen to get married again in Colombia with a third party (Colombian or foreign) and then have the risk of a confusion in marital assets or bigamy.

The procedure of registration must be done by an attorney, who will take the foreign marriage certificate, prepare the deed of registration, and then obtain the Colombian civil marriage registration form.

Once the attorney obtains the Colombian civil marriage record, the lawyer will sign the new birth certificate of the Colombian citizen with the note of married to the foreign couple. This way, if the Colombian citizen wants to get married with a third party, the priest or notary will see the note and dismiss the marriage petition.

In general terms the registration of a foreign marriage in Colombia takes from 5 to 15 days depending on the paperwork and time of the year and the benefits besides the previous stated, are: Colombian civil registration is mandatory to obtain Colombian visa or to register baby as Colombian. To any probate or estate procedure. To obtain health insurance or pension in Colombia.

If you need to register your foreign marriage in Colombia, please contact us for further consultation.

Esteban Rada

Colombian attorney


telephone 57-311-7693976

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