Child support in Colombia when father is US citizen. Updated information 2023 How much is the year 2023 the child support in Colombia for a US citizen?

Esteban Rada

Colombian attorney


telephone 57-311-7693976

One common question I receive every day from US clients since I started to practice 18 years ago is that if US citizen should pay child support for their Colombian baby even more if he is living in Colombia.

The answer is Yes. As long your name appears on the birth certificate even the Colombian birth record, you DO have to pay child support for your baby in Colombia.

Now, how much is the amount of child support in Colombia?

In general terms, the court will consider factors such as the child’s needs and living expenses, both parents’ financial situations, and may order child support payments accordingly.

Depending on the social class of address of the mother called Estrato in Colombia, judge sets the amount. Could be between a 50% of monthly Colombian salary around USD 200 up to 45% of the total income according to your US tax return.

However, there are legal tools to reduce the child support obligation, such as other children, personal debts, health etc. You should get a Colombian family law attorney to assist you.

If the non-residential parent (the parent living in the US) fails to comply with the child support order issued by the Colombian court, the custodial parent can seek enforcement through the Colombian Central Authority (Ministry of Justice). The Central Authority will work with the US Central Authority to facilitate collection and enforcement of child support on behalf of the custodial parent, and you can be called by US court to make you pay the child support debt.

It’s important to note that each case is unique, and the specific process and requirements may vary. If you need assistance with child support in Colombia as a US citizen, please contact me for further consultation.

Esteban Rada

Colombian attorney


telephone 57-311-7693976

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