Divorce Gay /Divorce Of Same Sex Marriage In Colombia?

Esteban Rada

Colombian attorney



telephone 57-4-2682435

Since the year 2017, Colombia officially accepted the same sex marriage-gay marriage and despite all the controversial arguments that some conservative authorities and people have about it, The Colombian Constitutional Court was clear that there is no restriction for same sex couple to get civil marriage or what is called in popular words gay marriage.

As consequence the option to get divorce of a gay marriage in Colombia is also a right when the relationship has not worked.

In Colombia there are 2 ways to get divorced when you got married in a civil ceremony.

  1. Non contested divorce: both parties sign power of attorney and agreement. This paper work is prepared by a licensed attorney and he should represent you during all the process.

Advice: please don’t let people outside public offices or inside notaries to tell you that they represent you. This is an illegal practice. Notaries can’t appoint lawyers, and the worst is that the divorce is affected by a conflict of interest that affects the process and later any party can argue in family court the annulment of the process.

  1. Contested divorce: Same as US, the process is done in Court in a trial. There will be hearings, questions, evidence exhibition, and testimonies. At the end judge will decide who was guilty of the divorce and assign the alimony to the innocent party. There is an option to appeal.

Advice: this process needs a lawyer with diploma of family law, I have seen other parties being represented by lawyers not familiar with the field because they think they are qualified of people say is cheaper and at the end, they lose the case and have to pay all the fees of the other party or worst.

My firm has represented divorces for same sex marriage since the moment it was legal and we can provide all the advice needed for you to continue your life.

Esteban Rada

Colombiano attorney


email: info@lawyerscolombia.com

telephone 57-4-2682435

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