How to divorce in Colombia 2023

Esteban Rada
Colombian attorney
telephone 57-311-7693976

In the year 2023 and recent Colombia courts decision for divorce in 2024, we can expect the following updates of how to get divorce time 2023 and 2024.

Notary divorce in Colombia time 2023-2024

Regulation will be the same. Couple needs to have complete agreement for Colombian divorce in subjects such as alimony, child support, custody, and visitation rights. Also, in the liquidation of assets.

The time to obtain a divorce in this part, is taking around 60 days when there are assets and children.

If not children and no assets involve the minimum time required is 15 days but after the covid Colombian notaries are taking up to 30 days to provide the final deed of divorce.

Colombian divorces Court decisions 2023-2024

The causes for Colombia divorces continue the same.

The spouse engaged in sexual activities outside of the marriage.

Spousal neglected their responsibilities as a husband/wife and father/mother.

Spousal actions were cruel and outrageous.

Spousal mistreated their spouse.

Spousal had a habitual problem with alcohol and regularly used narcotics and hallucinogens without a medical prescription.

Spousal health condition or psychological abnormality posed a threat to the well-being of their spouse and children.

The spouse exhibited behavior with the intention of corrupting or perverting the other spouse.

There was a two-year separation without any form of communication.

The spouse’s jealousy created a continuous state of anxiety, tension, nervousness, lack of concentration at work, and isolation, leading to psychological abuse.

The difference of interpretation is based on 2 interpretations.

The gender ideology that in case of violence against the women, judge needs to give much higher importance to her testimony in case of being the violence of Spousal mistreated cause being the one invoked for the divorce.

The second is that the assets society or marital society of assets, will be considered dissolved now of separation of the couple for the cause of more than 2 years of no cohabitation.

In example a couple who separated in 2006 with this new interpretation, the dissolution of assets will be declared according to the assets that the Colombian spousal’s had in 2006 and not the ones obtained from 2006 until 2023 time when they were not living together.

Because every case is unique and if one partner is not Colombian, it is better to have a consultation.

Please contact us for further information.

Esteban Rada
Colombian attorney
telephone 57-311-7693976

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