US Citizens Obligated to Pay Child Support in Colombia 2023 Recent Colombian court decision report 2023.

Esteban Rada

Colombian attorney


telephone 57-311-7693976

Child support obligations can extend beyond country borders, raising complex legal questions and enforcement challenges for US citizens residing or having chldren in Colombia. This article aims to shed light on the legal framework surrounding child support payments between US citizens and Colombian nationals, highlighting the obligations, remedies, and potential cross-border cooperation avenues available in such cases.

Legal Basis:

Child support obligations in Colombia in 2023 are rooted in the Constitution, statutes, and international conventions. Colombia is a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which emphasizes the importance of providing financial support for children’s well-being. Additionally, the Colombian Family Code outlines the legal framework governing child support obligations, both domestically and across borders.

Jurisdictional Considerations:

Determining jurisdiction in cross-border child support cases is essential for adjudicating rights and obligations effectively. In cases involving US citizens residing in Colombia, jurisdictional rules typically adhere to the principle of “lex loci solutionis” (the law of the place where the matter arose). Consequently, Colombian courts are generally competent to address child support claims involving US citizens who fail to meet their support obligations in Colombia.

Enforcement and Remedies in Colombia 2023:

The Colombian legal system provides several enforcement mechanisms for child support disputes. Key remedies include:

Court Orders: Colombian courts have the authority to issue child support orders, outlining the amount and conditions of the support obligations. These orders should adhere to the principles of proportionality and the best interests of the child.

Wage Garnishment: Colombian courts may order wage garnishment, allowing child support payments to be deducted directly from the obligor’s income. This mechanism streamlines enforcement and ensures regular and timely payments.

Seizure of Assets: In cases of non-compliance, Colombian courts can authorize the seizure of an individual’s assets to cover unpaid child support. This may include bank accounts, real estate properties, or other valuable assets.

Passport Restrictions: Colombian courts can prohibit a US citizen in arrears from leaving Colombia until child support obligations are fulfilled. This restriction aims to compel compliance and protect the child’s interests.

International Cooperation for child support enforcement in Colombia 2023:

Cooperation between the US and Colombia is vital for efficiently enforcing child support obligations. The US is a party to the Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance. This treaty facilitates the establishment, enforcement, and modification of child support orders between participating countries, streamlining cross-border proceedings.


US citizens residing or having children in Colombia must be aware of their legal obligations to pay child support, as well as the potential consequences for non-compliance. The Colombian legal system, aligned with international conventions and treaties, provides a comprehensive framework for resolving child support disputes. Cooperation between the US and Colombia, particularly through the Hague Convention, can greatly assist in enforcing child support orders and ensuring the best interests of the child.

If you need assistance , please don’t hesitate to contact us

Esteban Rada

Colombian attorney


telephone 57-311-7693976

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