What options are available for US citizens seeking resolution of legal and business disputes in Colombia 2023?

Esteban Rada

Colombian attorney


email: info@lawyerscolombia.com

telephone 57-311-7693976

One common question I got in my daily consultation is how an American citizen can get a resolution of a legal dispute or business controversy in Colombia.

The Colombian legal system handles business disputes through its judiciary system. When it comes to resolving business disputes, there are several available options for US citizens seeking resolution:

  1. Negotiation in Colombia : The lawyer of each party contact the counter party and try to reach an agreement in order to get a resolution of the dispute and convert the agreement into a contract signed by the parties involved
  2. Mediation in Colombia: If there is no agreement between the parties and their lawyers, mediation comes as second step. A third party will be involved and will seek for mutual agreement points and try to make party agreed on dispute points of the dispute.

If there is full agreement, mediator will write a act and this document will be enforceable in court if later one party fails to.

  1. Litigation in Colombia: If all other methods fail or are not agreed upon, the dispute can be referred to the Colombian judicial system. The parties can file a lawsuit, and the case will then proceed through the courts. It is important to note that litigation can be a time-consuming and costly process. Depending on the case and the city and if there are appeals and motions, case can take years to get resolved.

For US citizens seeking resolution in Colombia, it is recommended to consult with our firm who specializes in Colombian business law. Our attorneys can provide guidance on the best approach based on the individual circumstances and can represent their clients throughout the dispute resolution process.

Esteban Rada

Colombian attorney


email: info@lawyerscolombia.com

telephone 57-311-7693976

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